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STEER is a multi-use marine protected area intended to protect natural resources for fish stock replenishment, recreation, shoreline protection, water filtration, and conservation of nature.
The St. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER) is comprised of three main marine reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, Cas Cay /Mangrove Lagoon, Great St. James, and the Compass Point Salt Pond. These marine reserves and wildlife sanctuaries(MRWS) encompass 9.6 km2 of ecologically, and culturally, significant coastal, marine, and fisheries resources, including mangrove forests, salt ponds, lagoons, reefs, and cays.
Collectively, these habitats within the Mangrove Lagoon / Benner Bay area were designated an Area of Particular Concern(APC) in 1979, as the south-eastern end of St. Thomas is understood to be one of the most valuable remaining nurseries for fish and wildlife on the island, with many commercial and recreational marine species spending a portion of their lives protected in the shallow mangrove and seagrass beds. However, there was no comprehensive management plan for these MRWS.
The St. Croix East End Marine Park (STXEEMP) was established in 2003 protect territorially significant marine resources, and promote sustainability of marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, sea grass beds, wildlife habitats and other resources, and to conserve and preserve significant natural areas for the use and benefit of future generations. It is the U.S. Virgin Islands’ first territorially designated and managed marine protected area (MPA).
For a detailed description and interactive map of the park zones please visit the STXEEMP Storymap. Please visit the Fisherman’s Handbook for a the complete rules and regulations about fishing in the USVI.
Located in the waters just outside of Cramer’s Park on a patch reef called Sweeper’s Knoll, a demonstration coral nursery was installed in 2019 to showcase some of the coral restorations efforts taking place throughout the USVI. This project was made possible by collaborations with The Nature Conservancy and the Division of Coastal Zone Management. For more information please visit the Sweeper’s Knoll StoryMap
The park hosts a number of interactive activities for the community from clean ups, seagrass seines, nursery tours, bio-blitzes and more. For a full list of the Marine Parks education and outreach activities please see the STXEEMP Outreach Menu (see attached). To schedule school trips, community groups or summer camps please contact:
Environmental Outreach Coordinator
Kelcie Troutman
Kelcie.troutman@dpnr.vi.gov / 340-718-3367
For volunteer opportunities and upcoming events check out the Friends of the East End Marine Park.
4611 Tutu Park Mall
Suite 300, 2nd Floor
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: (340) 774-3320
45 Estate Mars Hill
Frederiksted, VI 00840
Phone: (340) 773-1082
Monday – Friday
Cashier closes at 3:00pm
*Does not include Federal/Local Holidays