Official Government of the Virgin Islands Website

Coastal Zone Management

About CZM

The U.S. Virgin Islands Coastal Zone Management Program was established to manage, enhance, protect, and preserve our coastal resources, while reducing conflict between competing land and water uses. It represents a comprehensive approach to minimizing the impacts of activities on our coastal resources.

Our program is strongly committed to the overall management of the coastlines to ensure environmental and economic sustainability for future generations.

A Message from Director
Marlon Hibbert

The Virgin Islands Coastal Zone Management Program (VICZMP), over the coming years will be working on a number of new initiatives in an effort to lessen the negative impacts on our coastal zone and its resources.

In keeping with the rest of the nation, our goal is to use the watershed approach to guide all of our developments and protection efforts. The VICZMP is working closely with the Division of Comprehensive and Coastal Zone Planning to implement the Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plan (CLWUP). The CLWUP will ensure proper planning territory-wide and will consolidate the existing two-tier system of Coastal Zone Management into a single tier system.

Through the dramatic advances in information technology, the Internet will be used to provide information and services territory-wide. By establishing a far-reaching educational program, we hope to change people’s attitudes and behaviors. The various Government Agencies have got to be involved and increased collaboration will be fostered to minimize inconsistencies and enhance compliance.

Assuring compliance with the requirements of federal and local laws will be an important component of our efforts to protect our coastal resources. Existing CZM regulations will be revised and strengthened as necessary. Today, the overwhelming majority of water quality programs are caused by non-point source pollution. The implementation of regulatory procedures for alternative Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems is being worked on and other strategies to mitigate polluted runoff will be addressed by the VICZMP.

We look forward to working with you as we strive to implement our mission statement “Managing Our Coastal Resources for the Future.”

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Marine Protected Areas and Areas of Particular Concern help the territory to protect and manage our beautiful and vital natural resources!
VI Clean Coasts helps businesses, schools, residents, and marinas in the USVI improve their impact on the environment.