Home » State Historic Preservation Offices
The Role of State Historic Preservation Officers and Offices was created in 1966 under Section 101 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) for each state and territory in the USA to establish. The purposes of SHPOs include surveying and recognizing historic properties, reviewing nominations for properties to be included in the National Register of Historic Places, reviewing federal undertakings for impacts on historic properties and resources in each respective local, as well as supporting federal organizations, state and local governments, and private sector.
In the Virgin Islands the State Historic Preservation Office, (VISHPO), is a division within the Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR). The DPNR Commissioner serves as the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Director of the VISHPO serves as the Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer.
Our mission is to preserve the reminders of our territory’s architectural and archaeological heritage by increasing awareness and appreciation of our unique history. We will accomplish our mission through encouragement, education, supporting, assisting in and sponsoring programs and projects which promote historic preservation in the Virgin Islands.
Director: Sean L. Krigger
St. Thomas/St. John State Historic Preservation Office:
Fort Christian National Historic Landmark Site
5064 Fort’s Straede 1
Charlotte Amalie,
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802
Phone: (340) 776-8605
St. Croix Virgin Islands State Historic Preservation Office:
Fort Frederik Museum
198 Strand St.
St. Croix, Virgin Islands 00840
Phone: (340) 719-7089
4611 Tutu Park Mall
Suite 300, 2nd Floor
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: (340) 774-3320
45 Estate Mars Hill
Frederiksted, VI 00840
Phone: (340) 773-1082
Monday – Friday
Cashier closes at 3:00pm
*Does not include Federal/Local Holidays