Official Government of the Virgin Islands Website

What We Do

What We Do

CCZP is statutorily responsible for continuously reviewing the effectiveness and appropriateness of the V.I. Zoning Law, and for making recommendations to the Legislature of the U.S. Virgin Islands for changes that are in concert with the General development Plan for the Virgin Islands. This includes the development and management of necessary zoning map amendments (rezonings and/or use variances) (Official Zoning Amendment Request Form_3_2015).
The Division of Comprehensive & Coastal Zone Planning is charged with the responsibility to review and evaluate all applications for land subdivision in the territory. (The division of a parcel of land into 4 or more lots…or, if a new street is involved, any division of a parcel of land. VIC, T. 29, Ch. 3, Subch. II, Section 273)
CCZP reviews and examines the Planned Area Development applications in the USVI for compliance with the arrangements of land use and buildings so that they are in character to their designated zoning district. (Planned Area Development is a tract of land which is developed as a unit under single ownership or control, which includes two (2) or more principal buildings, and which is at least five (5) acres in area. VIC, T. 29, Ch. 3, Subch. II, Section 225 (79))

Applications & Forms