Official Government of the Virgin Islands Website

Comprehensive & Coastal Zone Planning

About CCZP

The Division of Comprehensive and Coastal Zone Planning (also referenced as the Division of Planning) formulates long-range plans and policies, including the development of a comprehensive plan to properly guide and manage physical, economic, and social growth and development trends in the territory. The Division is also responsible for administering DPNR’s zoning map amendment, group dwelling, and subdivision processes; and for reviewing their effectiveness and appropriateness. The Division provides technical planning assistance to other divisions and departments by reviewing business license and earth change applications for zoning compliance and serves as a resource center for the DPNR, other government agencies and the general public; and is responsible for coordinating territorial planning activities and capital projects between the public and private sector.

Our Mission

To protect the physical environment while a sense of community value is expressed, all while continually providing top-notch customer service.

A message from Director
Leia LaPlace-Matthew

Firstname, Lastname
Here at the Division of Comprehensive and Coastal Zone Planning we are committed to providing you with technical assistance and guidance related to all aspects of zoning and land use. Staff members are available to answer any questions that you may have or to point you towards the Division that is best suited to serve your needs. We always encourage contacting our office before moving forward with plans for any type of development to ensure that your final submission complies with all applicable zoning and subdivision codes. On behalf of our entire staff we look forward to working with you in the near future.