Home » Environmental Enforcement » Anchoring & Mooring
Mooring Permit
Any Vessel, currently registered in the Territory, seeking a permanent anchorage to which a vessel may be secured must apply for a Mooring Permit in the US Virgin Islands. Mooring Permits are only issued for designated areas.
Anchoring Permit
All Recreational Vessels currently anchoring or seeking to anchor in the waters of the United States Virgin Islands, who do not have a mooring permit, are required to obtain an Anchoring Permit.
Cruising in Territory
All Vessels seeking Overnight Anchoring, not Registered in the USVI, who are conducting Charters are REQUIRED to obtain this Cruising Permit while operating in Territorial waters.
4611 Tutu Park Mall
Suite 300, 2nd Floor
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: (340) 774-3320
45 Estate Mars Hill
Frederiksted, VI 00840
Phone: (340) 773-1082
Monday – Friday
Cashier closes at 3:00pm
*Does not include Federal/Local Holidays