Under the Water Quality Management and Planning Grant (pursuant to Clean Water Act (CWA) § 604(b)), the V.I. Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR), Division of Environmental Protection (DEP) is entrusted with the task of planning and implementing Water Quality Management Projects to ensure the protection of the marine waters of the USVI. Therefore to realize its goal, DEP implements projects through the Water Quality Management Program (WQM) to accomplish program tasks (using CWA 604(b) funds) as delineated below:
USVI Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Reports
The U.S. Virgin lslands has integrated the reporting requirements of Clean Water Act Section 305(b) and Section 303(d) into a single product, which is termed an lntegrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. The Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report presents the extent to which waters of the U.S. Virgin lslands are attaining water quality standards pursuant to Section 305(b) and identifies waters that are impaired and need Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) as required under Section 303(d) of the Act. U.S. Virgin Islands Water Quality Standards can be found under Title 12, Chapter 7, Subchapter 186, Sections 186-1 through 186-13 of the Virgin lslands Code. The lntegrated Report also identifies waters that are being removed from the 303(d) List because they are now attaining water quality standards.
The 303(d) List included as part of the lntegrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report is used to establish priorities for the implementation of water quality improvement measures including the development of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs). A TMDL establishes allowable pollutant loads or other quantifiable parameters that a water body can assimilate without exceeding applicable surface water quality standards. TMDLs establish the basis for water quality based on controls such as permit limits or best management practices to control the amount of pollutants being discharged into the water body. This report as a whole is used to inform the United States Congress of the progress the Territory is making towards meeting water quality goals.
These reports are required to be developed every two years. Hit links below to review the current and past Integrated Reports.
2020 Integrated Report
2018 Integrated Report
No Action Assurance Policy (TPDES MSGP) Commissioner Memo
USVI Water Quality Standards
The Water Quality Standards define the appropriate physical, chemical, biological and ecological limits to support designated uses within the U.S. Virgin Islands. Water Quality Standards provide the framework for protecting, maintaining and improving water quality. The USVI Water Quality Standards were revised pursuant to Section 303(c) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, (the “Clean Water Act” (CWA), 33 U.S.C. § 1313(c)), to protect the public health and welfare, enhance the quality of water and serve the purposes of the CWA for the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Hit the link below to view the current and past Water Quality Standards.
Project Priority System and Project Priority List
The Virgin Islands Municipal Sewage Treatment Works Project Priority System (PPS) is developed and will be updated annually, in conjunction with the VI Waste Management Authority/Department of Public Works, to set priorities for the management of federal funds for sewage treatment projects which are eligible for federal aid. The proposed projects are first rated, and then ranked by rating to form the Project Priority List (PPL). Only those projects which are ranked according to the criteria of the PPS may receive federal grant assistance. The PPS consists of a variety of criteria and rules for their application. In accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA) as amended in 1987, federal aid will be distributed to proposed projects on the basis of the rules of the PPS, position on the PPL, and the availability of funds.
USVI CHAGP FS_final_draft_7.24.24